Monday, November 21, 2011

On my attempts at poetry

Strange as it may sound to people who have known me for any length of time, over the last one year or so, I have been able to pen down a few short compositions that vaguely resemble poems. While very crude and hardly works of any literary value, it is a personal milestone that I thought of sharing.

My first poem, penned (rather typed) after meeting an old friend for the last time:

Just for a brief moment in time,
 Fires were rekindled,
 Passions reignited,
 No dreams of the past resurrected,
 No glorious future imagined,
 In that lover's eternal last kiss,
 I was alive again and so were you,
 Just for a brief moment in time.

The most recent one, born out of sheer boredom (and inspired by Rudyard Kipling's excellent 'if'):

If you no longer feel awed by the sight of waves crashing on the shore,
If you cannot see the wonder in the eyes of a kid,
or the beauty in dew covered grass,

If you sit among friends and still feel lonely,
If you cannot muster the effort to call up an old friend,
or listen to the ramblings of a troubled brother,

If at 25 you find yourself longing for another chance at life,
If you cannot look at your past and smile at it,
or find it hard to imagine a future for yourself,
Yours is a world with nothing in it...